
During a home remodeling project, there are lots of decisions to make, but when it comes to the climate of the home you are working on, the type of air conditioner you choose can make a huge difference. On many projects, one of your options is a ductless air conditioner system (also known as a mini-split). These systems are relatively easy to install, and they are ideally suited to certain types of projects. Here are some of the situations in which you might want to consider installing a ductless air conditioner:


  • Single-Room Additions. Ductless air conditioner systems are most commonly used in single-room additions like sun rooms, garages, and apartments. It is often much easier to install a ductless system than to add on to existing air conditioning system for the rest of the house. Plus, homeowners often prefer single-room additions to have a climate that is different from the rest of the house — For instance, the garage does not need to stay as cool as the bedroom during the summer, and the renter of an apartment may want to have control over the heat in their living space.
  • Downsizing Remodeling Projects. Not every home remodeling project is about expansion. Sometimes, owners of large houses realize that they are not using most of the rooms, and they want to downsize. This is an especially common scenario for empty-nesters — after the kids move out, it no longer makes sense to run the air conditioner on high to keep the entire house cool all summer. One option is install a ductless air conditioner system in the most commonly used rooms — like the living room, the kitchen, and the master bedroom. That way, the thermostat for the main air conditioning system in the house can be kept on low, resulting in both cost and energy savings.
  • Solving Temperature Discrepancy Problems. Sometimes, one room in the house gets a lot warmer than all the others. A small kitchen might become unbearably hot after running the oven for only a few minutes, or a bedroom with south-facing windows might get so hot during the day that it becomes impossible to sleep at night. In these cases, homeowners have to choose between running the air conditioner so high that the other rooms in the house become frigid, or they have to accept that they will break a sweat whenever they cross the threshold into a certain room. A ductless air conditioner resolves the dilemma by making it possible to control the temperature specifically in an unusually warm room.
  • Adding Air Conditioning to Existing Homes Without Ductwork. If you are working with a homeowner who wants in-home air conditioning but lives in a house that has no existing ductwork, it can be extremely expensive to have it installed. Depending on the size of the house, installing multiple ductless air conditioner systems — one for each room — can sometimes be the more cost-effective option.

National Air Warehouse offers a variety of ductless air conditioner systems. Contact us today to find the one that is right for your home remodeling project!

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