In-Door Air Quality

People are exposed to pollutants in the environment by the air that they breathe indoors. These pollutants can come from anywhere – daily use products, materials and activities. As compared to outdoor air, the air indoors is said to be more polluted by about 2 – 5 times. In schools and offices situated in polluted areas, this could even be as much as 100 times. The importance of proper in-door air quality cannot be underestimated because it can lead to sickness, allergies and an uncomfortable environment.

The following are some important points about proper in-door air quality:

• Health Problems Can Be Avoided – Various health issues occur because of poor air quality indoors. This can lead to irritation and dryness in skin, throat, eyes and nose. Headache, fatigue, allergies and hypersensitivity are also common symptoms. Other symptoms include nausea, dizziness, sneezing, coughing, sinus congestion and fatigue. All these problems can be avoided by simply maintaining air quality indoors.

• Air Contaminants Can Be Cleaned – The indoor air has many contaminants like carbon dioxide, asbestos, fiberglass, dust, VOCs, toxic vapors, odors, gases, dust mites, bacteria, fungi and other microbial contaminants, and ozone. These air contaminants might occur in small quantities but for children and people with a weak immune system, they can cause a lot of problems in a short exposure time.

• Serious Conditions Can Be Avoided – Sick Building Syndrome or Tight Building Syndrome, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities and Building Related Illnesses are a common result of poor indoor air quality. These are serious health conditions which come with clinical symptoms. For example, Legionnaire’s disease is a BRI that is caused due to the bacteria that clogs ACs in a building.

• Avoidance of Mold Growth – Every homeowner knows how, once mold starts growing in your house, you have to go through a proper cleaning and decontamination process to get rid of it. Mold is attracted to areas that have a lot of moisture, and this’s why the pipes and ducts of ACs and ventilation systems need to be cleaned regularly. Avoiding mold growth can make the entire family healthy.

The best way to keep in-door air clean is to get air filtration systems which include:
• Humidifiers
• Dehumidifiers
• Germicidal lights
• Ventilation systems
• Filtration systems
• Air purification systems

These systems are installed at the appropriate place and their job’s to keep the indoor air clean and germ free, replace stale and contaminated air with fresh air, and improve circulation of clean air. It’s important to look for air filtration systems that are up to code and certified. There are various great systems in the market and the situation of indoor pollution should be properly examined before buying an air filtration system.

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