As the dog days of summer are rapidly approaching, there is little doubt that you have been keeping cool by running your hvac system pretty much day and night.

HVAC systems come with a host of great benefits for homeowners, but one complaint that we hear quite often is about energy efficiency. While newer units are Energy Star or SEER rated, some older, less efficient models aren’t very energy-friendly.

So to help you save some money this summer, money that you can put into a new heating and cooling system later down the line, here are some summer HVAC efficiency tips.

Ensure the air filters are clean and are allowing a good air flow. Dirty air filters are horrible for the system, and the extra strain they cause leads to inefficient operation, costing you money.

Keep vegetation and debris clear of the outdoor unit. While well-kept landscaping rarely causes an issue, dense, over-grown vegetation can bog a unit down and cause it to run poorly, even killing it completely.

Get a programmable thermostat. The benefits that come along with a programmable thermostat are numerous, but chief among them is the ability to control the temperature in your home… at the times you want, which can save you literally thousands of dollars.

Seal ducts and pipes connected to your HVAC system with approved tapes. Further, to ensure your HVAC system is operating at peak level, it’s always wise to thoroughly insulate windows and doors too. The less air that is allowed to escape, helps your system remain efficient and operating as intended.

Keep your unit programmed to a set number. Setting the unit to a colder temperature in hopes that your home will cool down faster won’t work. It just causes the unit to work harder longer, costing you money that you could have saved.

Keeping you HVAC system operating at less cost takes a bit of extra effort. But once you get the hang of it, your savings will start adding up in no time.

Need more information on how we can assist you? Please don’t hesitate to contact us any time.

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