HVAC System

Most homeowners want their HVAC system to last for as long as possible. Not surprisingly, regular maintenance on an HVAC system can help it to stay in good working condition. Take a look at just a few maintenance practices that can contribute to the long life of an HVAC system.

Changing the Air Filter
This is a simple maintenance practice that should be done about every 90 days. Over time dirt, dust and pet hair can clog an air filter in an HVAC system. This debris prevents an HVAC system from working at its most efficient. In addition, a clogged air filter isn’t able to capture any more dirt and debris. This affects the overall air quality in a home. Maintaining good air quality in a home is especially important for occupants with respiratory conditions such as asthma.

Clearing the Space around an Outdoor Unit
Sometimes weeds, vines, brush and other vegetation can grow too close to an outdoor air conditioner. This type of growth can interfere with the efficient operation of the unit. For instance, weeds and vines can push themselves against the coils of the air conditioner causing damage. It’s best if there is approximately two feet of space around an outdoor air conditioning unit.

Cleaning the Evaporator Coils
Often times, moisture accumulates on the evaporator coils of an HVAC system. This moisture creates an ideal environment for mold to grow. The presence of mold is unhealthy to the occupants of a household. In addition, this mold can damage the coils. The evaporator coils need to be examined and/or cleaned on a regular basis.

Checking Electrical Connections
Over time, the electrical connections within an HVAC system may become loose or damaged. A broken electrical connection can prevent an HVAC system from working properly. It’s best to check these connections to fix the problem before costly repairs become necessary.

The Benefits of Calling a Certified Technician
Finally, there are many reasons to call a certified HVAC technician for regular maintenance services. For one, a certified technician is trained to recognize potential problems in an HVAC system. This can help a homeowner to avoid expensive repair bills in the future. Also, a certified technician knows how to provide maintenance services in a safe way. He or she has the skills and equipment to make sure a system is operating at its highest level of efficiency. In addition, a certified technician can keep track of a maintenance schedule. Consequently, a homeowner doesn’t have to remember when it is time to check the air filter, evaporator coils, vents etc. The technician takes care of the maintenance work as well as the schedule!

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