Heating System

Heating System

A heat pump can be effective in keeping you warm, if sufficient maintenance and care is applied, especially during the winter months. If regular maintenance is not conducted, then you may experience higher-than-usual electric bills. In addition, you may have to spend more money on repair. So be sure to consider ongoing heat pump maintenance as part of the preventative measure to having an efficient system. Yes, there are minor things that homeowners can do with their heat pump equipment, but for the most part, it would be more beneficial to hire a HVAC contract to provide regular maintenance or to handle the technical issues deriving from a much larger problem.

Air Filter

To make sure that you heat pump equipment is performing at its optimum level in the winter season, it is important to replace the air filters. Over time, the air filters will get dirty and this can greatly decrease efficiency, resulting in subsequent damage to the heating system. A HVAC contractor will ensure the appropriate fitting and accurate size of your air filter. These air filters have to be changed at least one time during a three month period.

Programmed Thermostat

Use a thermostat that can be programmed so that you can set schedules of heating to save money on electricity when you really don’t need any heating. A programmed thermostat will also help to run your heating system more efficiently. Choose the right programmable thermostat that will give you the most value.

Air Ducts

Make sure that your air duct is not leaking. If it is, then you will lose energy. A HVAC technical will seal the air ducts found in places like your basement, garage and attic. The technician will also check to make sure that your registers are installed properly. It is best to have your heating and cooling system serviced during the fall months in order to prepare for the cold.

Air Flow Increase

Be sure that the air duct system in each room comprises of a supply register and return register. Many homes do not have enough return registers to facilitate good air flow and so the result is lack of energy efficiency. With only one return register, the air flow will be obstructed with diminished air circulation, pressurizing some areas in the home. Improve the air flow in your home by cleaning the return ducts and the coils in your heating system.


Nine times out of ten, you may need a HVAC contractor to make sure that you have an efficiently working heat pump. Your contractor will also ensure that the heat pump equipment was properly installed in the first place. So, don’t wait until something happens. Call a HVAC company today for proper maintenance and installation of your heating system.

Image credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/lucidcommunication/4892698226/

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