AC Unit Size for Homes

Determining the right size air conditioning unit for your home can help you to have trouble-free climate control without frequent breakdowns and shortened lifespan. Bigger is not necessarily better in air conditioning, and the right unit will help you to save money and frustration as time goes on. Although a number of “rules of thumb” exist for choosing the right size unit, other factors may also be involved in efficient air conditioning operation.

House and Room Size
Careful measurements of the size of the house and each individual room must be done to determine the square area that is to be climate controlled. Although you may think that having more air conditioning capacity than is required by the house, the wrong size unit will cause greater wear and tear on parts.

Ceiling Height
The ceiling height in your home will have a significant effect on the amount of wear on the unit. A unit will have to work harder to fill the space in a room with a higher ceiling than standard height. Sloped ceilings may require increased operation than standard height ceilings.

House Wall Area
The exposed wall space on each side of the building exterior will also have an effect on air conditioning sizing. The number of doors and windows that allow air leakage is calculated into the number of BTU’s needed to cool interior areas.

Type of Construction
The type of construction of your home can affect how the air conditioning system operates. Factors such as the location of the unit, the length of ductwork, type of connections and number of floors in the home will affect the efficiency of operation of the unit.

Insulation Level in the Home
Many newer homes have a high level of insulation of attics, windows, doors, basements and other areas. The ability to keep cool air in the structure will also factor in the size of the air conditioning unit you choose.

The Home’s Air Leakage Rate
The home’s air leakage rate will also factor in the size of the air conditioning unit. How well windows and doors fit, the amount of caulking to seal air leaks and the condition of certain construction features can make a significant difference in how much cool air escapes from the interior and how hard the unit must work to replace it.

The Home’s Duct Leakage Rate
A professional heating and air conditioner contractor will have the equipment necessary for measuring the amount of leakage in the home’s ductwork.

All of these factors can be computed by a professional heating and air conditioning contractor to ensure that you have the right size air conditioning unit for efficient operation in your home. A trained technician can perform a Manual J, D, T and S to properly design and measure the right amount of cooling and heating that your home needs. You can learn more about the Manual calculations if you click here. If you would like additional information on sizing you current or new AC system, please call one of our friendly staff to help guide you on determining the correct AC system size.


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