
Installing an HVAC system on your own or with a partner may seem like the most optimal decision for you, however there are some things you must consider before attempting this task on your own. Not meeting certain requirements in the process can have legal and safety complications.


Heating and cooling hardware require certain codes and regulations to be satisfied when they are installed. The professionals know these codes and will do their best not to violate any of them. If you decide to do this yourself please make sure you adhere to any and all heating and cooling regulations. Failure to do so can result in improper use of the system which can cause legal ramifications especially for businesses using these systems. Small business owners should absolutely consider getting a professional to install for them to avoid business being shut down for code violations.


Installing a unit yourself may be more trouble than it is worth. You will need to track down a unit you want and at a price you are satisfied with. Professional installers can order directly from manufacturers usually for a break on the price you may not get. On top of the cost of buying the equipment you also have financial loss from the time it takes to complete. If you have a rigorous work schedule you will need to take time off as projects like this can last days for an inexperienced installer. This time off work also costs money and the cost may not outweigh the price of hiring a professional to do the work for you. Your hard work and time can be spent on another home project while the pros handle your heating and cooling.

Technical Issues

The installation process for a HVAC system is very technical. Experts go through rigorous training to make sure no mistake is made. They often go to school to learn the trade so that they do the job safely, efficiently and without invoking legal ramifications. Improper installation can lead to leaks in your system that could end up threatening your safety, not to mention the cost of paying for air you are not even getting!      


After reviewing this information it is likely that hiring a professional installer is your best bet. It is not worth the safety and legal ramifications that you could unintentionally pull down upon yourself. Bigger mistakes may even end up costing you more than you saved from doing it yourself.

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