What is the major challenge that homeowners face during the cold winter months? It is staying as warm as possible, right? Every person handles the coldness of the winter weather in a different way. The main objective, though, is to remain warm. When you go outdoors, you likely will have to wear the right clothing and shoes for the cold weather to protect yourself from ice, snow, wind, rain and the freezing temperatures.

The Indoors

With that being said, what do you do for the indoors when it is cold? Many homeowners don’t make the necessary preparation for the wintry weather. Yes, we are now going through the summer months, but that does not mean you shouldn’t prepare for the fall and the winter. In fact, there are many homeowners that are in the summer time frame and winter is the last thing on their minds as it relates to preparation. What if you live in a two story home? How do you prepare the upstairs area for the winter or even the summer?

The Suggestions

There are several reasons why you should maintain warmth in the upstairs area in a home with two stories. It can be quite a challenge, but here are a few proven suggestions below that you can consider.

  • Seal the home air tight
  • Make sure there is the right amount of insulation in the home
  • Adjust your thermostat
  • On the warmer side of the house, open up the blinds
  • Open up the vents and make sure there is no blockage

The Right Insulation

When it comes to insulation, you should be aware how important it is in keeping your house warm. It is even more important for two story homes. While downstairs may be warm, you still want to make sure that the upstairs is as well. The level and the kind of insulation you use must be enough for the area where you live. For example, if you live in a warm climate such as Florida, you may want to have an HVAC technician check to see what kind of insulation you need.

Air Tight Seal

When winter arrives, there are many homes that have cold air escaping in different areas of the home. This cold air will typically come in through doors and windows that are not properly sealed. You will find out sooner enough how detrimental this is to your energy saving efforts.

Thermostat Adjustment

One of the main reasons that the upstairs of a two story home is so difficult to maintain its warmth is failure of homeowners to adjust the thermostat. However, make sure that the thermostat is adjusted once individuals go upstairs and not before. Lower the temperature when no one is upstairs.


If you need heating assistance before the winter months come around, solicit help from a HVAC contractor that specializes in heating and air conditioning, but also expertise in two story homes. If you want to be comfortable during the next winter months, make sure you get this done right now, regardless if it is summer or even fall.

Image credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/rschnaible/13891110910/

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