national air warehouse air conditioning tips

Having a home that is cool and comfortable is most important for your health and comfort. And if you are living in an area where temperatures reach up to 100 degrees on average, it’s especially important to get the most out of your cooling system. Here are some tips to help you keep your AC system running and save you from HVAC repair.

Fans can lower your AC costs.

If you have a ceiling fan and your air conditioner is working well, then you can use the fan to circulate the cool air around the room. This will also help keep closed doors from getting hot by adding some airflow as people come and go throughout the day.

Installing a programmable thermostat

Installing a programmable thermostat is an easy way to save money on your electric bill. If you’re handy and comfortable with basic electrical work, you can install one yourself. If not, you can call in a professional or hire an electrician to do the job for you.

Setting your thermostats offer convenience because they let us program our home’s temperature from wherever we happen to be at any given moment—no more running around turning up heaters every time someone opens a door!

Keep your air filter clean.

Keeping your air-conditioning filter clean will not only help your unit run at peak performance, but it can also save you money in the long run. A dirty air filter can cause it to work harder and longer, potentially causing it to break down sooner.

A good rule of thumb is to check your filters monthly and change them every three months if they aren’t easy to clean or if they seem worn out (if the seams are ripping). If you’re unsure if it needs changing, inspect them for mold or mildew growth on the edges of filters that are difficult to reach with a vacuum cleaner attachment.

Get rid of dust on the AC coils.

You can use a vacuum cleaner to get rid of dust from the coils. Avoid using water to clean them, as this could cause damage to the motor and other components. Also avoid using a broom or brush, as these can scratch the coils and create more problems than they solve. If you must use an abrasive cleaner, be sure it is nonabrasive; otherwise, you might end up damaging your AC unit even more!

Make sure the air conditioner is not in direct sunlight.

Place your air conditioner in a shady area, out of direct sunlight and away from heat sources. Since heat can build up inside the unit causing damage, it is important to place it in a spot where it will not be affected by direct sunlight or near any heat source such as a radiator or fireplace.

Install insulation around all windows and doors that lead outside.

The second step to improving the efficiency of your heating and air conditioning system is insulating all doors and windows leading outside. This can be done by adding insulation to walls, ceilings, floors and attics. Insulating the walls will help keep heat inside the home during winter months while preventing it from seeping through in summertime. Insulating ceilings helps to better regulate temperature because hot air rises up (and cold air falls down).

Seal any air leaks in your home (and replace weatherstripping)

Replace weatherstripping or reposition it. While you can buy new weatherstripping, you can also reposition the existing weatherstripping. Look at where air is coming in and apply more material to seal that area better.Close window coverings when you’re not using them. This will help keep cool air out of your home during the winter months, as well as reduce drafts around windows and doors year-round.

Air Conditioning service should be at least once per year

If you live in a hot climate, we highly recommend that you have your air conditioning (indoor and outdoor unit) serviced at least once per year to make sure your system is running efficiently. A poorly maintained heating and cooling system can cost you money and put your home at risk for damage caused by the buildup of mold, mildew, and bacteria.
The tips above are just a few of the many ways you can use to keep your home cool and improve indoor air quality. Saving on energy costs is important, and these tips will help you do that without sacrificing comfort or convenience—and with minimal effort!

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